August : 12

Daily Log for August, 12 of each year.



  • 12:31am - I spent most of the day setting up and understanding the core concepts of Supabase! The holy trinity is almost ready to be pushed out to the masses, I suppose the next step will be to test case a couple different instances, including the mobile platform.
  • 1:27am - Played a quick match as Shaco support before he gets that long awaited nerf. Okay we know that the session does not preflight, thus we might not need the cache at the general getProfile, I suppose we could rename that function to getUser and rename pullProfile to the getProfile. I was under the impression that the session would query against the Supabase but it does not and utilizes the JWT to get the information, which is what we want it to do anyway.
  • 7:56am - Going through some of the current active tickets and trying to tackle a couple minor problems here and there. I want to reduce the amount of tickets that we have active from the 40 to a mid 20 range by the end of this month!
  • 8:49am - I think I need some early morning caffeine pumped into my blood flow! Before I head over to get some much needed cafe, I am going to take a look at the structure of mdx -> astro, with the hopes of just making it even more stupid simple. Basically going to migrate all of the website into its own internal content style structure and then have it all render through the contents folder? Maybe not all of the content but at least some of the main structures. This might seem a bit too much of a hassle but I think it might be worth it in the long run because then I could isolate each of the components within their own documentation too. All of this is to prepare for the i18n, which will be another beast in its own realm.
  • 11:14pm - I believe I might have to create a general flow chart or guide on the tri-force approach to the API! There are a couple areas where I am running into issues, including the general authentication flow, but there might be a couple ways around it that we could implement, but we would have to be very careful upon how we approach it.
  • 12:19pm - Finished double checking the backup system and general updates! It seems that one of the instances failed to update but that might have been because it needed to update twice? Maybe after running updates, I should have it double check and make sure that no additional updates are required, but it was a bit strange. It could have been also that the VM was not restarted in a while? Hmm, I placed the information as a note under the vault warden but in the future I want to make sure that it does not happen again… actually I am pretty sure it will happen again.
  • 12:21pm - I am typing these notes currently as, err my brain is processing them, so think of these notes as a form of my mind. I am streaming my mind via my heads onto this digital screen, it is for the matrix. Okay so I am thinking that as I am about to deploy this Tri-force API, I would need to make sure that never finish updating the theme on KBVE, as with any crazy person. The new , errr, new new theme would be hmm uhh, Ghost! Yeah I think going with a shadow money wizard gang style theme would be perfect. I suppose I could call the theme Mage instead of Ghost.
  • 1:34pm - Time to figure out my first new character for the Gate 3, I am definitely going to go Rogue and most likely have to make a shaco-style character. This would be a great side tool in the future, one that would help people make DnD character names or even a collection of DnD style tools, this was mention before by a couple other people too! These tools should definitely be on my list of things that we must have on KBVE!
  • 11:00pm - Wrapping up the whole Gate 3 session, I definitely enjoyed and it was exactly like the meme session that I wanted to play.


All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. — Walt Disney


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